THP Frontline & First Responder Formula 3600mg Broad Spectrum CBD (0.00% THC)

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This mint flavored medical grade tincture has been specifically formulated for Frontline & First Responders. Each product has been quality tested to the highest standards at two independent labs, indicating 0.00% THC. First Responders verified lab results with Negative 5-panel urine tests after at least 30 days of daily use. This product is organic certified, GMO Free, grown and processed in the USA. A portion of each purchase will be used to support the health and wellness of First Responders. If you are a First Responder or Frontline Worker, email proof of service to for special pricing and incentives. For more information, visit the First Responder CBD webpage. This is the same formula as the Law Enforcement Formula, but with an updated label that better represents all the Frontline & First Responders relying on THP tinctures.

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5 Most Useful Customer Reviews


I first saw this presented at a law enforcement meeting. It was presented that your aches and pains would lessen and you could have better sleep. I was skeptical but thought I’d try it. I was using 800 mg of ibuprofen most days due to my aches and pains. I’d fall asleep quickly but would wake up in the mornings still tired.

I never considered using CBD due to it having THC in it and my role being a current narcotic officer. When I found out THP didn’t contain any THC, I tried it. I can’t believe how my sleep is more restful and I’m rarely taking any ibuprofen for my reduced aches and pains. I would recommend this product to anyone.
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Sophia Sophia

I’ve been trying for years to find something to help with anxiety and nothing has worked naturally. It’s very important to me what I’m putting in my body. Though I had hesitation with trying the product at first I finally gave a try. I have not looked back since. This was a life saver for me. I take three times a day and it works wonders for my anxiety and helps give me a balance through my day! Forever grateful for the 0% THC brand.
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Jackie Coahran Jackie

I was very hesitant when my coworker told me about THP Law Enforcement CBD Oil. I have tried many other types of CBD oils and they all failed to give me any relief. However, I was pleasantly surprised when I tried THP. I have suffered from insomnia for years and years. I would wake up at least 2-3 times every night. THP has helped me sleep through the whole night for the first time in many, many months. It also helps to take the edge off during the day, at times when work gets overwhelming. I have been able to easily figure out the right dose for days and nights, so it doesn't make me feel groggy during the day. I am eternally thankful to my co-worker for telling me about THP. It is definitely worth giving THP a try!
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I have been a law enforcement officer for last 16 years, train weekly in BJJ and hurt everywhere. Two weeks of daily use of the tincture (2 droppers at night) and muscle recovery was way faster and better. I sleep amazing and my wife says my mood seems like it was a decade ago. I am a lifelong user now!!
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Current law enforcement with amazing results. Better sleep, muscle recovery, energy levels, and clearer mind. I use 1 tincture in the morning and 2 at night. After a week and half of daily use, the effects were noticeable. Co-workers noticed a difference in my mood and attitude. I haven't felt like this in over decade. I also took a drug test after 30 days of daily use--test was negative. Highly recommend for everyone.
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